又看到一篇国内大组的 Angew 文章 experimental detail 等于没写的。既然这么多人不会写,现提供一个 XAS experimental detail 的填空模板,参考与否真的随你。

XAS experiments were conducted at the 某金属 某边-edge ( 某吸收边具体数值 eV) on 某线站 at 某国家实验室. A 某单色光晶面 double crystal monochromator was used with 某线站分辨率 at 某元素某吸收边. Data were acquired in 荧光还是透射 mode using 某检测器. Spectra were acquired under 室温还是哪温度是否无氧无水是否有特制样品池 etc. 某元素 standards were diluted to 某金属质量分数 with 稀释剂(比如氮化硼). For energy calibration, 金属标样或其他样品 was placed after 光路某地方. 某个位置 of its X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) was defined to be 某吸收边具体 E0 值用于校正 eV. (此处需引用能量数值出处
XAS data were processed and analyzed using the Demeter software package.(此处引用 Demeter 软件) A linear function was subtracted from the pre-edge region, then the edge jump was normalized using Athena software. The χ(k) data were isolated by subtracting a smooth, 几级 polynomial approximating the absorption background of an isolated atom. The** k 多少次方权重** weighted χ(k) data were Fourier transformed after applying a 窗函数名称 window function (Δk = 选的多少). The global amplitude EXAFS 方程中哪些参数信息 were obtained by nonlinear fitting, with least-squares refinement, of the EXAFS equation to the Fourier-transformed data in R-space, using Artemis software.